We all feel anxious or stressed at times. If you constantly feel burnt out, tired or unable to make decisions, you are likely to be suffering from anxiety, stress or both. Do you wake up feeling overwhelmed, tight chested, agitated or dread leaving home? Symptoms may differ from person to person, but anxiety is high because of the way we live. It’s difficult to utterly relax or disconnect from a very busy and noisy world. There’s always something more we could be doing!
Anxiety and stress are fears that come from your past, present or worry about the future and it’s how your subconscious mind assesses danger and tries to keep you safe. It’s your body’s automatic fight, flight or freeze response. Anxiety is simply a state of mind. Most of the time these anxieties and stresses may never happen, but it feels real for you. At times our subconscious mind gets it all wrong and allows you to over worry and overthink. This is when anxiety needs to be dealt with.
Our thoughts activate our flight or fight response, therefore, whatever you think becomes your mind’s reality. Each time your thoughts triggers your flight or fight response, you experience the symptoms of anxiety, which have become a learnt and automated response that you have programmed your brain to do. Feeling anxious and out of control becomes your “go to” emotion or your norm.
Some people may experience temporary anxiety at some point in their life. It could feel like nervousness or fear with is a perfectly normal reaction to a stressful situation. However, other people are ruled by a constant heightened feeling of constant anxiety which is completely overpowering.
Hypnosis can help you find a better way of dealing with your triggers, creating new processes, patterns and habits for your brain to use. We will work together to remove underlying anxiety and beliefs about yourself and create new thoughts for a positive future.