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Effective Anxiety & Stress Relief Treatment

How does anxiety feel?

We all feel anxious or stressed at times. If you constantly feel burnt out, tired or unable to make decisions, you are likely to be suffering from anxiety, stress or both. Do you wake up feeling overwhelmed, tight chested, agitated or dread leaving home? Symptoms may differ from person to person, but anxiety is high because of the way we live. It’s difficult to utterly relax or disconnect from a very busy and noisy world. There’s always something more we could be doing!

Anxiety and stress are fears that come from your past, present or worry about the future and it’s how your subconscious mind assesses danger and tries to keep you safe. It’s your body’s automatic fight, flight or freeze response. Anxiety is simply a state of mind. Most of the time these anxieties and stresses may never happen, but it feels real for you. At times our subconscious mind gets it all wrong and allows you to over worry and overthink. This is when anxiety needs to be dealt with.

Our thoughts activate our flight or fight response, therefore, whatever you think becomes your mind’s reality. Each time your thoughts triggers your flight or fight response, you experience the symptoms of anxiety, which have become a learnt and automated response that you have programmed your brain to do. Feeling anxious and out of control becomes your “go to” emotion or your norm.

Some people may experience temporary anxiety at some point in their life. It could feel like nervousness or fear with is a perfectly normal reaction to a stressful situation. However, other people are ruled by a constant heightened feeling of constant anxiety which is completely overpowering.

Hypnosis can help you find a better way of dealing with your triggers, creating new processes, patterns and habits for your brain to use. We will work together to remove underlying anxiety and beliefs about yourself and create new thoughts for a positive future.

Do I have anxiety or stress? What are the signs and symptoms?

Can you answer yes to any of the following questions?

  • Are you constantly tense, worried, on edge, irritable or have mood swings?
  • Does your anxiety interfere with your work, school, or family responsibilities?
  • Do you have difficulty concentrating on tasks or making decisions?
  • Are you plagued by fears that you know are irrational, but can’t shake?
  • Do you believe that something bad will happen if things aren’t done a certain way?
  • Do you avoid everyday situations or activities because they cause you anxiety?
  • Do you experience sudden, unexpected attacks or heart-pounding panic?
  • Do you feel like danger and catastrophe are around every corner?
  • Do you suffer from a lack of sleep or being kept awake at night with constant negative thoughts?
  • Do you feel exhausted even though you have slept?
  • Do you often feel restless or suffer with sweating or nausea?
  • Do you suffer from muscular pain and aches (not relating to exercise)?
  • Do you have panic attacks and you cannot understand why?

If you are experiencing any or a combination of the above symptoms you should see your GP or find a therapist to work with.

The effects of anxiety on the body are profound and could have serious consequences on your health and wellbeing.

These could include:

  • Weight gain even while dieting
  • Severe headaches or migraine
  • Breathing problems, rapid heart rate or palpitations
  • Chest pain
  • Loss of appetite
  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Depression
  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  • Muscle aches and other pains
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Increase in blood pressure
  • Lowered immune system
Anxiety in children?

Has your child become socially withdrawn, refusing to attend school or become panicked when faced with exams or stressful situations? Do they feel uncomfortable in social situations and have become reliant on yourself? Have they stopped wanting to go out with friends or family?

The best way to explore what has or is happening, is to look at their past childhood, adult interactions, school life or friendship circle. We all feel anxious at times especially during our younger years and this can lay down patterns of behaviour. These could continue for the rest of our lives or we go back to after big events, stressful times or when we hit a trigger.

Children need to make sense of their environment and always need to know what’s going on. If they have a feeling of uncertainty, become unsure of their circumstances or general safety, there will be a reaction of some sort. Children need a story to believe for their world to make sense.

How does anxiety affect children’s learning and behaviour?

Not been able to make sense of the way they feel, or unable to change a situation, will lead to the child “bottling up” emotions, feelings and thoughts often leading to sever social anxiety or depression. In later life, those “bottled up” emotions may be triggered, leading to phobias, panic attacks and anxiety-related problems.

The build-up of stress over the years from work, families, relationships, grief etc. puts pressure on these bottled up emotions. These need to be relieved.

Anxiety can affect your child’s education in the following ways:

  • Inattention and restlessness – not able to sit quietly or listen
  • Too quiet and scared to make eye contact
  • Reluctance to attend school or clingy
  • Disruptive behaviour at school and at home
  • Trouble answering questions or making simple decisions
  • Frequently ill
  • Problems in certain subjects or with certain teachers
  • Unable to retain information
  • No interest or motivation to complete homework or tasks
  • Unwilling to walk into the school building or get on the bus/train
  • Avoids socialising with individuals or groups and keeps to themselves
How to treat anxiety in children?

Children, teenagers and young adults are my favourite clients to work with. Once rapport and trust are established and with a good dose of humour, children are remarkable resilient and will embrace change, become open to healing and feeling better.

Children need to understand what’s happening to them. We need to explain how we can help them become better again. Like sponges, they absorb information and understanding. They learn to use the techniques I teach quickly and effectively, often helping friends or family members in need after.

Hypnosis, performance coaching, talk, emotional and play therapy allows your child to let go of worry and stress, which they have trapped in their mind. Children are amazingly resilient and with the correct support and strategy, it allows them to take control often bouncing back within 3 – 4 sessions.

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The benefits of working with me

I use advanced, neuroscience-based techniques to help you quickly transform your thinking patterns, address anxiety, and break free from limiting beliefs.

  • Experience noticeable changes within yourself from the very first session.
  • Feel a sense of control and confidence both during and after each session.
  • Achieve deep mental clarity and calm, allowing your mind to focus on healing and growth.

By combining my Integrated Therapy System™ with TheraCoachPro™, I utilise proven techniques to rapidly neutralise strong negative emotions and create lasting change. Once these feelings are under control, your mind is free to shift toward a positive and productive future.

A Forward-Focused Approach

I work differently than most traditional therapists or counsellors. My approach is designed to move your mind, rewire your brain and focus forward, helping you set meaningful goals and see value in your future. This forward-thinking mindset is key to enabling the brain to repair, reconnect, and thrive.

Together, we’ll create a clear plan to guide you toward the life you want—quickly, effectively, and with measurable results.

Our Treatment Approach

Effective therapy requires a structured and focused approach. At Future-Edge Therapy, we offer a package of 8 one-hour sessions (available in person or online) to ensure a clear plan is followed, significantly improving success rates for our clients.

Using our Integrated Therapy System™ and TheraCoachPro™, we combine advanced therapeutic techniques with coaching strategies to address and neutralise strong negative emotions while equipping you with tools for long-term success. Once these feelings are under control, positive changes happen quickly and effectively.

To maximise results, you may be asked to complete additional exercises or self-care activities between sessions. These tools are designed to empower you to manage your thoughts and emotions independently, building resilience and self-confidence. For more complex or deep-rooted issues, additional sessions may be required to ensure lasting results.

Discovery Call

Before starting, we offer a free 20-minute discovery call over the phone. This no-obligation session is an opportunity for you to share your goals, learn how we work with the Integrated Therapy System™ and TheraCoachPro™, and determine whether we’re the right fit for your needs.

We no longer offer one-off or individually priced sessions, as the 8-session package has been carefully designed to deliver the best outcomes for our clients. This approach offers excellent value and ensures a clear pathway to achieving your desired results.

* Disclaimer – results can differ from person to person. Your drive and determination to make change happen for yourself will always result in a more positive outcome.